Popular Questions - Writing

Homework Exercise

Homework Exercise Description What to do: It is always good to know something about the companies in your field before you interview for a job. Think of three companies you’d like to work for...

Capstone Presentation

Capstone Presentation Description 6 attachments Slide 1 of 6 attachment_1 attachment_1 attachment_2 attachment_2 attachment_3 attachment_3 attachment_4 attachment_4 attachment_5 attachment_5...

English writing and research skills

English writing and research skills Description 1 attachments Slide 1 of 1 attachment_1 attachment_1 Unformatted Attachment Preview Research Assignment #3: Choosing Internet Sources (50 Points) Due...

Text Analysis Project Revising and Adding

Text Analysis Project Revising and Adding Description Your written analysis should be the form of a fact sheet. Fact sheets are clearly organized and use titles, subheadings, and bullet points. You...

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