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University of Missouri Kansas City MBA Motivation and Salary Expectations Worksheet

University of Missouri Kansas City MBA Motivation and Salary Expectations Worksheet

University of Missouri Kansas City MBA Motivation and Salary Expectations Worksheet


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1Create clustered column and stacked column charts for the pre-MBA and post-MBA salary data in the
Excel file MBA Motivation and Salary Expectations. Discuss which type of chart you feel is better to
useto explain the information.
2. Create a line chart showing the growth in the annual CPI in the Excel file Consumer Price Index.
3. Create a line chart for the closing prices for all years and a stock chart for the high/low/close prices for
August 2013 in the Excel file S&P 500.
4. Create a pie chart showing the breakdown of occupa-tions for each year in the Science and
EngineeringJobs Excel file, and contrast these with simple col-umn charts.
5-Create a stacked area chart contrasting primary energy imports and primary energy exports in the
Excel file Energy Production & Consumption. What conclusion can you reach?
6. A national homebuilder builds single-family homes and condominium-style townhouses. The Excel file
House Sales provides information on the selling price, lot cost, type of home, and region of the coun-try
(Midwest, South) for closings during one month. Construct a scatter diagram showing the relationship
between sales price and lot cost. What conclusion can you reach
7. The Excel file Facebook Survey provides data gath-ered from a sample of college students. Create a
scat-ter diagram showing the relationship between hours online/week and friends. Friends should be on
the x-axis and hours online/week on the y-axis. What conclusion can you reach?
8-Create a bubble chart for the first five colleges in the Excel file Colleges and Universities for which the
x-axis is the top 10% HS, y-axis is acceptance rate, and bubbles represent the expenditures per student
15-Apply three different colors of data bars to lunch, din-ner, and delivery sales in the Excel file
Restaurant Salesto visualize the relative amounts of sales. Then sort the data by the day of the week
beginning on Sunday. Com-pare the nonsorted data with the sorted data and com-ment on the
information content of the visualizations

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