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Relaxation Technique Essay & Worksheet

Relaxation Technique Essay & Worksheet

Relaxation Technique Essay & Worksheet


Find a journal article on the strategy that you have selected and write a one-page summary of the article. It is strongly recommended that you use the UNO Library’s online databases to locate a suitable article. Do not use pop-psychology articles or summaries from websites.

Write a paragraph or so explaining why you decided on this coping strategy/relaxation technique and identify the stressor that you will be working on.

  • Write a short paragraph (5 sentences) for each of the times (minimum of four (4) times) you apply the strategy, explaining how you applied the strategy and how it worked out.
  • Write a final reflection (around two pages long) on your overall experience of applying the chosen coping strategy/relaxation technique. What changes to your stress level have you noticed with the regard to the identified stressor? How did the selected strategy help you cope better with the stressor? How has it not helped? What could you have done differently? How could you use this coping strategy for other stressors in your life?
  • Make sure to include the following items in your submission: (a) your pre-and post-assessments, (b) your rationale for selecting the chosen coping/relaxation strategy and a description of the identified stressor, (c) your journal entries for the four or more times you applied your chosen coping/relaxation strategy, (d) your final reflection on your overall experience doing this exercise, and (e) the journal article summary. In addition, please make sure to submit a copy of the actual journal article you used. After three hours you will send me what you will have done, please.  

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Pre-Assessment ?
Name: _______________________________
Post-Assessment ?
Stress Journal tress Questionnaire
Take this stress questionnaire before and after you apply your chosen coping strategy or relaxation technique to deal with the
identified stressor. Each time calculate your total stress level score, by adding the corresponding numbers, e.g. if for item 1 (This
stressor weighs constantly on my mind) you selected gree you add 4 points, and so on.
1. This stressor weighs constantly on my mind.
2. I start feeling anxious when I think about this stressor.
3. I often feel I have little control over this stressor.
4. I do not feel confident about my ability to deal with this
5. This stressor affects other important areas of my life.
6. I feel that this stressor holds me back from enjoying life better.
7. This stressors affects negatively my overall well-being.
8. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 0 being not stressed at all and 5 being
extremely stressed, how stressed do you feel about this stressor?
Total Score:

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Explanation & Answer:

2 pages

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