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Debate Constructive and Brief

Debate Constructive and Brief

Debate Constructive and Brief


1. Clearly state and define the proposition (what do I mean by define? Using credible sources is important. Do Add sources to help you clearly state the terms in your argument.) The terms in your proposition can be defined differently to provide an advantage to the affirmative or negative. Consider this claim, “Abortion should be allowed.” How do you define abortion? How do groups that support this claim versus groups that negate this claim define it differently? Do you include in your definition of abortion the term “kill” or “eliminate” do you say “fetus” or “life” or “baby”? Also included in your definition of the term is what type of abortion are you referring to? Does your definition specify what week/term abortion should be allowed or are you including all abortion in your definition such as late term and after birth abortion? If you are not including this you need to make it clear. Also are you saying abortion should always be allowed – or allowed in only some instances and not others, some states and not others – be very clear. 

2. Convince the audience to accept your claim. Provide credible outside material to support the main points in your debate. Your claim can originate from your opinion but you must substantiate your viewpoint with evidence. This is not an opinion piece but a thorough, well supported argument. Create a case with the evidence you have gathered. Provide an explanation of the material rather than just facts upon facts of evidence, be certain to show how the evidence is relevant to the claim. 

3. Provide information to refute the opposition. The best defense is a good offense – meaning attack the opposition before they get the opportunity to do so. Consider what arguments the opposition can make against your case and instead of ignoring them, include them in your constructive to refute them. 

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Legalizing Abortion
Students Name
Institution Affiliation
Course Code and Name
Instructors Name
Legalizing Abortion
Proposition: __All states should make Abortion legal to enable women to talk about it and
make personal decisions. __
TERM: _Abortion_
Definition): Abortion the deliberate interruption of an ongoing pregnancy through surgery or
Source of definition from WHO (World Health Organization)
(Introduction, Status quo, Relevance)
Abortion involves the termination of an ongoing pregnancy through surgery or a drug.
The fact that Abortion is not legalised in many States leads to many girls and women
soliciting abortion services from unqualified people leading to loss of lives and
infection(WHO.2018). Incomplete Abortions lead to future complication relating to the
female reproductive system. There is a need for States to legalize abortions so that women
can choose whether to keep a pregnancy or not. Some countries only allow Abortion in cases
of issues like rape only, but fail to consider school-going girls who lack finances to support
their children leading to poverty in society. The major problem is that failing to make
abortion legal risks the lives of many girls and women, as they can only seek abortion
procedures from unqualified and unauthorized practitioners. The failure of States to burn
abortions, does not stop abortions from happening leading to more deaths for women and
World Health Organization. (2018). Medical management of abortion, 2018.

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