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Cal State Long Beach Routes to Market Essay

Cal State Long Beach Routes to Market Essay

Cal State Long Beach Routes to Market Essay


Reflection of the week. Think of the chapter reading and/or class activities. Write about something you’ve learned or relevance of the content. You might use any of the questions below to help your response. 

I expect 2-5 paragraphs

What did you learn – something new or something that really applied to you? 
Where can you apply what you learned?
What are some things you did really well on this assignment?
Was there anything you were not really clear about?

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Ch. 11 Routes to Market

Supply Chain Management
the planning and coordination of all activities of parties within a speci?c supply
chain to provide the end customer with a product which adds value
material handling
IT services
the coordination of activities that contribute to the forward and reverse ?ow of
information, goods, and services between the point of origin and point of
consumption to satisfy customer needs
managing transport
materials handling
order ful?llment
Goals of Supply Chain Management
Waste reduction
Time compression
Flexible response
Unit cost reduction
Note: technology is BIG contributor
Logistics Management is a Key Element of Business
signi?cant cost savings through improved logistics performance
increased product variety which increases complexity handling
improvements in IT can increase logistical e?iciency
Channel Steward – more than one person (group) of senior managers that produces
goods/services that are taken to market through intermediaries. (intermediary can
be steward)
channel stewardship – enables continual adjustments to accommodate market
Channel Value Chain Activities
. Mapping Industry Channels
. Building and Updating the Channel Value Chain
a. Direct vs Indirect
. Aligning and In?uencing the Channel System
Reasons for Direct Distribution
Customers – large and well-de?ned groups who require
direct dealing
large amount of info on product use/features
limited logistics services
Sales – process involves extensive negotiations with sr. mgmt
function needs to be controlled to ensure
correct supply of total package
quick response to market condition
Reasons for Indirect Distribution
fragmented and widely dispersed markets
lo risk/uncertainty
uniform product o?ering
multiple item and brand purchases in single transaction
low-value transactions
Routes to Business Markets

Routes-to-Market – Dave Drives Pro?table Turnaround with Routes-to-Market
Mapping Go-to-Market to Customers: ‘The Coverage Matrix’ – Andreessen Horowitz !

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