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Art history Learning logs

Art history Learning logs

Art history Learning logs


Learning Log: Hellenistic Sculpture  

For this week’s Learning Log, read the outside reading and carefully consider the Aphrodite of Knidos (5-54) by Praxiteles.  In the document, the historian Pliny describes the Aphrodite of Knidos as something of a sensation in the ancient world.  What made the sculpture so radical?  What sort of different reactions did people in ancient Greece have to the sculpture (note: carefully read the final lines of Pliny’s account)?

Next turn your attention to the three great female statues of the Hellenistic period, the Nike of Samothrace (5-66), Old Woman (5-67), and the Venus de Milo (5-68).  How do each of these works demonstrate the changing artistic values of the Hellenistic period?  What relationship do they have to the groundbreaking work of Praxiteles?  Choose one sculpture and discuss it using the terms “idealism” and “naturalism”.  How do each relate to the sculpture?  

LEARNING LOG: The Augustus of Primaporta

The Augustus of Primaporta is one of the best known examples of early Roman Imperial imagery.  What are some of the important symbolic messages in the statue?  USE SPECIFIC EXAMPLES AND DISCUSS THE MESSAGE THESE WERE INTENDED TO COMMUNICATE TO VIEWERS.  How do these symbols support the leadership and power of Augustus?  How does the Augustus of Primaporta reflect a CHANGE from art of the Roman Republic?

Next, cite an example of classical Greek art from previous lectures in your answer and compare it visually to the Augustus of Primaporta.  

Finally, why do you think Augustus chose to model his portraits on Classical Greek statues?

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Primary Document
In this document the Roman Writer Pliny describes the history and reception of Praxiteles2adical sculpture, the
Aphrodite of Knidos.
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ca. 79 CE)
Aphrodite of Knidos
ca. 350-340 B.C.E.
When speaking of the statuaries, we have
already given the period at which Praxiteles
flourished; an artist, who, in the glory which
he acquired by his works in marble, surpassed
even himself. There are some works of his in
the Ceramicus at Athens; but, superior to all
the statues, not only of Praxiteles, but of any
other artist that ever existed, is his Knidian
Venus; for the inspection of which, many
persons before now have purposely
undertaken a voyage to Knidos. The artist
made two statues of the goddess, and offered
them both for sale: one of them was
represented with drapery, and for this reason
was preferred by the people of Cos, who had
the choice; the second was offered them at
the same price, but, on the grounds of
propriety and modesty, they thought fit to
choose the other. Upon this, the Knidians
purchased the rejected statue, and immensely
superior has it always been held in general
estimation. At a later period, King Nicomedes
wished to purchase this statue of the Knidians,
and made them an offer to pay off the whole
of their public debt, which was very large.
They preferred, however, to submit to any
extremity rather than part with it; and with
good reason, for by this statue Praxiteles has
perpetuated the glory of Knidos. The little
temple in which it, is placed is open on all
sides, so that the beauties of the statue admit
of being seen from every point of view; an
arrangement which was favored by the
goddess herself, it is generally believed.
Indeed, from whatever point it is viewed, its
execution is equally worthy of admiration. A
certain individual, it is said, became enamored
of this statue, and, concealing himself in the
temple during the night, gratified his lustful
passion upon it, traces of which are to be seen
in a stain left upon the marble.

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