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Discussion – Online Privacy vs. Online Security

Discussion – Online Privacy vs. Online Security

Discussion – Online Privacy vs. Online Security


Online Privacy vs. Online Security

After completing your journal entry for this module, you will be prepared to formulate your own opinions on the topic and share them with your peers.

Benjamin Franklin once said, (ose who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.®bsp;A significant challenge in the 21st century is how individuals®bsp;personal privacy and civil liberties often collide with government surveillance or companies®bsp;data analytic activities. In this discussion, you will consider what should or can be done to protect our personal privacy or civil liberties. 

To successfully complete this discussion forum, follow these steps:

First, choose one of the following articles to review:

Congress Just Cleared the Way for Internet Providers to Sell Your Web Browsing History

Your Browser History Is For Sale, Hereænbsp;What You Need to Know

Now Those Privacy Rules Are Gone, This Is How ISPs Will Actually Sell Your Personal Data

  1. Then, for your initial post in the discussion forum, share whether you think online privacy important and explain why or why not. 

Finally, respond to at least two of your peers. Comment on their argument about the importance of online privacy and then extend the conversation and suggest some potential benefits, from a business perspective, related to societyænbsp;loss of control over online privacy.

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Discussion Rubric
Your active participation in the discussion forums is essential to your overall success. Discussion questions are designed to help you make
meaningful connections between the course content and the larger concepts and goals of the course. These discussions offer you the opportunity to
express your own thoughts, ask questions for clarification, and gain insight from your classmates2esponses and instructoràguidance.
Requirements for Discussion Board Assignments
Students are required to post one (1) initial post and to follow up with at least two (2) response posts for each discussion board
For your initial post (1), you must do the following:
? Compose a post of one to two paragraphs.
? Take into consideration material such as course content and other discussion boards from the current module and previous modules, when
appropriate ?(make sure you are using proper citation methods when referencing scholarly or popular resources).
For your response posts (2), you must do the following:
? Reply to at least two different classmates outside of your own initial post thread.
? Demonstrate more depth and thought in your responses.
Instructor Feedback:? This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard.
Critical Elements
Exemplary ?(100%)
Develops an initial post with
an organized, clear point of
view or idea using rich and
significant detail
Submits initial post on time
Provides relevant and
meaningful response posts
with clarifying explanation
and detail
Writes posts that are easily
understood, clear, and
concise using proper citation
Proficient (85%)
Develops an initial post with
a point of view or idea using
adequate organization and
Submits initial post one day
Provides relevant response
posts with some explanation
and detail
Needs Improvement (55%)
Develops an initial post with
a point of view or idea but
with some gaps in
organization and detail
Submits initial post two or
more days late
Provides somewhat relevant
response posts with some
explanation and detail
Not Evident (0%)
Does not develop an initial
post with an organized point
of view or idea
Writes posts that are easily
understood using proper
citation methods where
Writes posts that are
understandable using proper
citation methods where
Does not submit a post
Provides response posts that
are generic with little
explanation or detail
Writes posts that others are
not able to understand and
does not use proper citation
methods where applicable
methods where applicable
with no errors in citations
applicable with few errors in
applicable with a number of
errors in citations

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Explanation & Answer:

1000 words

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