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Sports Management Question

Sports Management Question

Sports Management Question


Case Study 3

Muscle Skeletal Injuries (Chapter 18)


The human skeletal muscles make up about 40 % of the body mass and is formed by a bundle of contractile multinucleated muscle fibers, resulting from the fusion of myoblasts. Satellite cells (SC) are skeletal muscle stem cells located between the plasma membrane of myofibers and the basal lamina. Their regenerative capabilities are essential for repairing skeletal muscle after injury.

Ricky Bobby is Division 1 Football player at Liberty Nation University. He plays defensive as an inside linebacker. During the first game of the season, Ricky Bobby tore his left meniscal (knee) and twisted his left ankle trying to tackle the opposing teamænbsp;running back. Ricky Bobby had surgery the following week. Sixteen weeks later, Ricky Bobby has been cleared to exercise by one of the universityænbsp;athletic trainers. Ricky Bobby wants to be ready to play at 100% for next season. He realizes that he has a way to go because of the extent of his injury. He is willing to work hard and commit to the training provided by the universityænbsp;athletic program. 

For this case study, List and explain the five principles of restorative exercise pertaining to his injuries. Lastly, design a restorative exercise program for Ricky Bobby that will tailor his goals and functional abilities. The program should include at least three elements of restorative exercises. 


Your Case study must be at least three pages (not including the cover page) and demonstrate course-related knowledge. In addition, you must include at least two credible citations for your case study. Submit your case study on Sunday of the same module/week as scheduled. 

(Rubrics) Points will be deducted:

          If the case study is less than 500 words

          Grammar errors

          No credible citations.

2022 Written Research Paper

The ACE program through physical activity is an essential component in achieving and maintaining optimal health. Healthier individuals can maintain their optimum weight, lower the risk of diseases, lead more productive lives, and ensure better health. Some individuals may face challenges when participating in a fitness program due to specific disease processes or conditions. Write a research paper focusing on individuals with diseases and/or conditions that may limit physical activity/participation in fitness programs. Please explain what an individual can do to help improve his or her health through nutrition and physical activity. Please choose a disease and/or condition below:

Diseases and/or Conditions:


Musculoskeletal disorders

  • Cardio Vascular Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity

Food Disorders

The written research paper must be at least 4-6 pages using the APA format and include at least four credible citations. Students will be graded using the criteria listed below.

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Chapter 18
Getting people moving
Musculoskeletal Injuries
of the Lower Extremity
Learning Objectives
fter completing this chapter, you will be able to:
„escribe the principles of restorative exercise
…xplain the three main phases of tissue healing
„ifferentiate between various pathologies of the hip, knee, lower leg, ankle, and foot
„escribe basic signs, symptoms, and treatment options associated with different
pathologies of the lower extremity
„esign and implement safe and effective exercise programs for clients who have
various musculoskeletal injuries of the lower extremity
Principles of Restorative Exercise
he CMES should have a good understanding of the following
concepts related to restorative exercise:
roper client screening
hases of tissue healing
tability and mobility training

ovement training
trains versus sprains
°15 ACE
Three Healing Phases
°15 ACE
Hip Pathologies
CMES should have knowledge of the following hip pathologies, as
well as restorative exercise recommendations for each:
rochanteric bursitis
liotibial band friction syndrome
ip osteoarthritis
otal hip replacement
°15 ACE
Superficial Posterior Hip and Thigh Anatomy
Posterior musculature of the hip and knee, prime movers for hip extension (gluteus
maximus and hamstrings) and knee flexion (hamstrings and gastrocnemius)
°15 ACE
Deep Posterior Hip Anatomy
°15 ACE
Movement Contraindications After
Hip Replacement
°15 ACE
Knee Pathologies
CMES should have knowledge of the following knee pathologies,
as well as restorative exercise recommendations for each:
atellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS)

eniscal injuries
nterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries
otal knee replacement
°15 ACE
Lower Extremity Bone Structure and Q-angle
°15 ACE
Anterior Knee Anatomy
°15 ACE
Depiction of Knee Valgus
°15 ACE
Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot Pathologies
CMES should have knowledge of the following lower leg, ankle,
and foot pathologies, as well as restorative exercise
recommendations for each:
hin splints
nkle sprains
chilles tendinopathy
lantar fasciitis
°15 ACE
Depiction of Shin Splints
°15 ACE
Lateral Ankle Sprain Grading System
°15 ACE
Progression Suggestions for the
Lower Extremity
°15 ACE
Balance Progression Suggestions
°15 ACE
upational therapist,
tified diabetes educator,
sonal trainer, or
dical exercise
In-Class Discussion
ent are
hen working with a client who has recently recovered from a
musculoskeletal injury, a CMES must be careful to program
exercises that do not provoke pain. As such, the CMES must rely on
the client to communicate how an exercise feels.
iscuss how the best methods to explain the importance of pain
avoidance during exercise activities and how you and your client will
communicate about pain.
°15 ACE
his chapter covered:
ommon musculoskeletal injuries of the lower extremity
ecognition, management, and restorative exercise guidelines for the
selected lower-extremity pathologies
°15 ACE

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Explanation & Answer:

4 pages

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