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International Trade Question

International Trade Question

International Trade Question


Research Paper for International Financial Management

Topic: Is the EUR a success or a failure?

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International Financial Management Research Paper
33:390:375:01 and 33:390:375:90
Due December 1st at Midnight for both sections
Compose a five page (or more) double sided research paper on an international financial topic
of your choice. I expect you to develop a theme with a clearly stated objective for your
discussion. Support your project with market facts and data, and arrive at a conclusion that
makes logical sense. Your topic must have an international component and a financial
component, and must include data, and/or graphs to support your research. You must also
include a minimum of two unique sources as a reference to support your project.
ALL topics need to be approved by me prior to completion.
Several suggested topics to get you thinking:
How has the strong USD affected global inflation?
Who has USD debt and why?
How does a MNC hedge FX exposure?
What makes up the best capital structure for a MNC?
What is the best monetary and fiscal policy approach for a country?
Is the EUR a success or a failure?
How big of a trade deficit is too big?
Do trade agreements work?
Overview (20 points)
How well do you outline your strategy and approach?
Do you clearly understand your topic in the international markets?
Soundness (20 points)
Is your project credible and realistic?
Does the approach make sense?
Is the conclusion realistic?
Are there any assumptions or statements not backed by research?
Report Accuracy (20 points)
Does the report have any numerical or grammar errors?
Are they any factual mistakes?
Is the data and other facts used cited correctly?
Are the citations listed accurately?
Does it cover international finance?
Conclusion / Summary (20 points)
Is there a conclusion or summary?
Does it make logical sense?
Is it backed by facts or research?
Is there a counterpoint to your conclusion?
Project Specifics (20 points)
The final project can be submitted in doc, docx or pdf
Utilize data and graphics within or as a supplement your presentation
(market data, payoff diagrams, etc)
Length ! minimum of 5 double spaced pages
Utilize any market data service you like (Bloomberg, WSJ, Yahoo Finance)
Please state your data sources in the project.

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Explanation & Answer:

5 pages

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