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LDRCB 535 University of Phoenix Competency in Management Presentation

LDRCB 535 University of Phoenix Competency in Management Presentation

LDRCB 535 University of Phoenix Competency in Management Presentation


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LDRCB/535 Competency 1 – Assessment and Rubric
Course Title: Leading Change
Competency Assessment Title: Propose a Change Management Plan
Total Number of Points: 100
Assignment Directions
Create a 7- to 10-slide presentation that shows your proposed improvements for the leadership of the organization you assessed in Part 1.
Complete the following in your presentation:
Assess the current culture within the organization at the time of your experience.
Develop the Change Management Plan using Kotterà8 Steps to Organizational Change Model.
Determine the desired outcome as a result of the proposed change.
Analyze the alignment between the organizations, mission, vision, values, strategies, and the proposed Change Management Plan.
Include detailed speaker notes. Ensure that your slides contain only essential information and minimal text.
Submit your assignment.
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LDRCB/535 Competency 1 Rubric
Page 2 of 2
Competency Assessment Rubric
1. Organization Culture
Meets Expectations
Thoroughly assessed the current
culture within the organization
Partially assessed the current
culture within the organization
Narrowly assessed the current
culture within the organization or no
attempt to assess the current
culture within the organization was
Thoroughly developed the change
management plan using Kotterà8
Steps to Organizational Change
Partially developed the change
management plan using Kotterà8
Steps to Organizational Change
Narrowly developed the change
management plan using Kotterà8Step model or no attempt to develop
the change management plan using
Kotterà8-Step model was made
Thoroughly determined the desired
outcome as a result of the
proposed change
Partially determined the desired
outcome as a result of the
proposed change
Narrowly determined the desired
outcome as a result of the proposed
change or no attempt to determine
the desired outcome as a result of the
proposed change was made
Thoroughly analyzed the alignment
between the organizationÊmission, vision, values, strategies,
and proposed change management
Partially analyzed the alignment
between the organizationÊmission, vision, values, strategies,
and proposed change
management plan
Narrowly analyzed the alignment
between the organizationàmission,
vision, values, strategies, and
proposed change management plan
or no attempt to analyze the
alignment between the organizationÊmission, vision, values, strategies, and
proposed change management plan
was made
(weight 25%)
2. Change Management Plan
(weight 25%)
3. Desired Outcome
(weight 25%)
4. Organizational Alignment
(weight 25%)
Not Met
Copyright 2021 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

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Explanation & Answer:

7 Slides

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