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ETSU Throat Culture Lab Report

ETSU Throat Culture Lab Report

ETSU Throat Culture Lab Report


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Throat Culture Lab Report (6 points)
Due 15A
Submit on Canvas. No class that day!
Purpose: Why this experiment was done? How did you identify the bacteria? (0.25 pts)
Procedure: (0.25 pts)
eviations only. (If you had contaminations and/or too much growth and had to use another
personàculture, that is a deviation)
Results: (2 pts)
able, with all the tests you performed with the results you got (2pt)
ut the names of the additional tests you did and add as many additional columns as needed.
ollowing is the format of the table.
Gram type Shape
test 1
test 2
Discussion: (3.25 pts)
– What is normal flora? What are the common bacteria in the throat of humans (0.5pts)
– What is hemolysis? Explain the three types. (0.5pts)
– Try to identify the bacteria you had, up to genus level. (if not possible at least up to family) (2 pts)
– Possible errors and how to minimize them. (0.25pts)
References 0.25
Plagiarism his includes:
„irectly copying from any source %ven if you cite, paraphrase
Copying from a previous yearàlab report
Copying (or basically copying ! few words$ifference) another studentàlab report 4he
data is the only thing that should be exactly the same
If you do this, you will get a zero on your report and be reported to the course instructor at minimum.
Spelling/Grammar/Syntax couple errors are okay, but too many will keep you from communicating
effectively. Be careful. Use proper nomenclature, capitalization, and italics for bacteria names. Report
the genus and the species. The first letter of the genus should be capitalized; everything else is
lowercase. You do not need the full genus name 4he first letter is fine but add a period after. Right
example: E. coli. Wrong examples: E. coli, e. coli, E. Coli

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Explanation & Answer:

4 pages

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