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Covid 19 Questions

Covid 19 Questions

Covid 19 Questions


part one

Research Paper



Choose one of the following health topics to discuss:

Opioids or other drug of your choosing



  • TASK 2
  • Write a 3-4 (double-spaced) page paper that addresses the following:
  • A brief overview of the health topic, including a description of the condition and incidence/prevalence trends in the U.S. Note observed disparities in incidence and prevalence.

A discussion about social and other determinants of health related to your topic, and how it relates to observed disparities. For example, you may discuss the relationship between race, gender, and SES and how these factors influence your chosen health topic. Also provide an explanation for why differences exist between groups.You will need to discuss 3 determinants for full points.

A brief description of current or proposed solutions addressing the topic and/or decreasing disparities related to the topic. This can include government policies, organizational efforts, etc. If no policies exist, provide a suggestion for possible policies that can be implemented.

Please include an introduction and conclusion paragraph.

Include at least 2 outside sources, properly cited using APA format.

  1. part two


  1. You can work on your final draft once you…
  2. Submit your rough draft.
    Finally, you will write a brief (50-150 words), open-ended reflection of the project. Here are some ideas for what you can talk about:
  4. Something new that you learned about the topic that you wrote about

Overall impression of the letter writing process (Was it easy, difficult, manageable?)

Something else that you would like to mention

Unformatted Attachment Preview

Sue Jalili
1027 synshine
El cajon, CA 92020
November 27, 2022
The Honorable Representative
US House of Representatives,
Washington, DC 20515.
Dear Elected Official,
I am writing to you about a project I am working on that could use your support. My
neighborhood generates a significant quantity of garbage made of plastic, and I have an idea for
a project that would seek to cut down on that amount of waste. Environmental issues are very
important to me.
It is estimated that an average individual’s annual consumption of plastic products in the United
States is around 185 pounds (Plastic Oceans International). A significant percentage of this
plastic winds up in our seas, which is responsible for causing great harm to the wildlife living
there. My project aims to lessen the environmental impact of the production of waste plastic in
my neighborhood by persuading local companies to use eco-friendly products more and by
increasing the number of recycling alternatives available.
This is an important endeavor that might benefit the people who live in my neighborhood. I
would appreciate your providing a hand in bringing about the completion of this project. Please
do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Email Address] if you want more clarification on this topic
or have any inquiries regarding it.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Sue Jalili
Include your contact information here.
Overall, the contents of your letter are appropriate for a letter to an elected official. You will
need to put something about an action that the politician took in the past that you support.

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