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Graduation thesis draft

Graduation thesis draft

Graduation thesis draft


Research question: What is the effect of the increase in the use of quantitative stock trading on traders®bsp;performance of the private quant fund in China?

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Research Proposal
15 pages except reference; Times New Roman 12; 1.5 Line Spacing
1. Introduction
1.1. The Focal Phenomenon
Be specificng.,, NFTs, MetaVerse, etc.
1.2. Research Motivation
he business significance
e.g., SeekingAlpha data ? stock price prediction ? higher investment return
”he academic contribution
a summary of the literature review and the research gap(s) (see below)
e.g., traditional methods of stock price prediction ? social-media-based prediction
hy is the research question interest.
1.3. Research Question
The key relationship: X ? Y (and/or mediation and/or moderation)
e.g., social media sentiment ? abnormal return of stocks
2. Literature Review and Research Gap
elect 5-10 papers to summarize (what we already know)
What they have found related to YOUR research question
dentify the research gap (what we do not know)
e.g., amateur expertise/crowd intelligence in predicting company value
3. The Research Model and The Key Hypothesis
H: The direction of the relationship X ? Y (Positive / Negative; U / Inverted U)
e.g., H1. The positivity of SeekingAlpha sentiment about a company has a positive effect
on the abnormal return of its stock price;
4. Research Design & Method
4.1. Sampling, Data Collection & Measurement Instrument
he Population and the method of sampling
hat data to be collected, from where?
ow to measure X and Y?
4.2. Data Analysis
Quantitative (Statistics/Econometrics/Machine Learning), AND/OR
Qualitative (Observation/Interview/Focus Group/Survey)
Research Proposal
15 pages except reference; Times New Roman 12; 1.5 Line Spacing
Note: Turnitin Report Needed

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